SQL's NULL != ActiveRecord's nil
Many developers nowadays are working on a daily basis with some ORM (which stands for Object Relation Mapping) library, that is handling the interaction with the database for them, along with making their code more readable, maintainable and closer to the programming language of their choosing. Plus most of ORMs are database agnostic, meaning they support writing queries for multiple database adapters. …
Recovering lost commits and deleted branches with git reflog
Ever read a tutorial or used instructions from a friend about “deleting” a commit from a git history. They most likely use the
tool for that purpose and of course they mention that using reset is dangerous. Well in a way it is, if you use it on commits that are already stored on some remote repository, but that is a topic for another day. But what if I told you the reset tool is not that dangerous as you think, what if I told you there is a way that you can control it, what if I told you there is a way that you can restore a commit that you’ve accidentally “deleted”, and last but not least …